Saturday, November 6, 2010

And the readers choice is:


Oh my clever fans - you KNEW this would happen - didn't you?

Technically the purple sunset got the most votes out of the 3 photos


There were even more people who "couldn't decide" between 2 or 3 and several who posted on my page without specifying any preference at all.

So here's what I'm going to do:

I'm picking THREE winners - because I actually have one of each printed (or waiting to come back from the printer)

So Here we go!!!

Winner #1 Coke adds Life -is Krista Valgrt White

Winner #2 Autumn Glory - is Lolo Langstons

Winner #3 Purple Sunset is - Erin Leigh - (PS - you didn't specify a favourite so you'll be getting Purple Sunset - the Reader's Choice!)

Congratulations to the winners!
Next Giveaway will be at 300 fans!


  1. Oh my gosh that's awesome made my day for sure!

  2. squeeeeee! I would like mine hand delivered. Is that a problem? lol
