Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Yeskoo Family

Yesterday, I had the privilege of taking family photos for Paul and Lindsey Y. and their family.

What an incredible and inspiring afternoon.

I have known Lindsey for many many years - but we had not *really* gotten to know each other, until the last few years.
They have lived in several places around the world but have had to plant roots here in order to have access to top notch medical facilities for their daughter Emily.

If you get a chance to read Emily's story on her caring page site, I would encourage you to do so - She is an amazing young lady who demonstrates every day incredibly grace, courage and beauty.

What Lindsey wanted was to capture some of her family dynamic, Relationships and interaction between Paul and Lindsey and all of their other children; Chris Emily, and Madeleine - and of course Chuckles.

If you have a family that has a child with a disability - you know how difficult it can be to maintain a close family dynamic. The stress of having to care for severe medical needs can be overwhelming at times, and can definitely make it difficult to keep strong and close family ties. It is difficult on your marriage, and it is difficult on your relationships with your other children. Even friendships can suffer when other people aren't sure how to relate, or what to say or do because they feel uncomfortable. I say all of this because this family - THIS family, is close. They laugh together, they cry together, and they care deeply and strongly about each other. They are genuine, and human; caring, and best of all - not perfect. They are real, with struggles like everyone else.

To see a hulking teenage boy bend down softly and whisper gently to his very vulnerable sister, with such tenderness, and love - well that speaks volumes about the kind of atmosphere you will find when you are around this family.

The jokes and the laughter are such a huge part of their daily interactions.
I loved watching them play with Chuckles - the family dog. Definitely loved by all - but It is clear that Madeleine has a special relationship over and above the others.

I loved watching the way Chris and Madeleine interact with each other - teasing, and needling - but all in good fun.

The teasing and laughter continues throughout the afternoon

- and it was a beautiful afternoon.
Even though Emily can only be in her chair and outside for *very* short periods of time - yesterday was the optimal day.
It had been so cold the past week, and yesterday was a perfectly mild autumn day - warm enough to allow us to take outside pics.
But it's the inside pics that warm me the most. The way Paul and Emily laughed together - Even though Emily cannot speak, she can certainly find dad's ribbing wildly hilarious,

and it is evident that all 3 kids have shared many giggly laughs together.

Thankyou for giving me the opportunity to capture such beautiful and intimate relationships.
It was definitely a welcoming, and warm and loving place to be, with lots of smile-worthy moments.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

And the winner is............

Congrats to the 3 London Phonebooth winners

Handpicked without bias by my autistic 6 yr old son! (for real), using a very unsophisticated method involving numbers and letters and counting to ensure total randomness.

Sophia Lawson
Kara McIntee
Lorraine Lanier

Please contact me: jenn @ jmfx . com (without the spaces) so I can send you your print!

And now - The Bonus giveaway of The Dramatic Sky goes to..........

Kayla Boyle!

Thanks everyone. I'm off to eat Turkey because it's thanksgiving weekend. It's a gorgeous sunny day and 21 degrees Celcius.
I am thankful for so much!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

200 fans = BONUS!!!

Do I have the best fans or what??

So that means that on Sunday - I will be announcing my 3 "Phonebooth" winners and in honour of reaching the 200 fan mark, I'm entering EVERYONE into a random Bonus draw for this print:

The Dramatic Sky in 5 x 7.

Thanks everyone - I couldn't have done it without YOU!

Welcome to my blog

Hey - Welcome to my blog.
I created it simply to be a companion to my Facebook page - which allows me to now do giveaways and is a better format for the promotions that we've got going on!
This is my first one, so I'm a little bit excited about it.

I am giving away 3 of these prints (in 5 x 7 ) and will announce the random winners on Sunday, October 10th.
It's easy to be entered - all you have to do is make a comment on my Facebook page when I announce that I'm giving something away. Really - it's that easy.
Like my page (JMFX Photography).
Make a comment.

Of course I hope you'll stick around and join in the fun we have over there too. Lots of banter. Who doesn't like banter?
So come on over - become a fan. See pretty pictures. Laugh a little. Enjoy.